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Submitted by Kylur on Fri, 05/25/2007 - 12:22

We have both a DMC-1830 and DMC-1832.

I would like to have one application (written in C++) work with both boards. In particular, I need to read a DataRecord. Unfortunately, the documentation has left me confused as to what will/will not work with each board!

DMCWin32 Windows API ToolKit v2.1 (Pg 51) shows an example of using the QR command with the 1832 _but_ COMMAND REFERENCE v1.0o shows the QR command is only for the 1832.

DMCWin32 Windows API ToolKit v2.1 (Pg 48) shows an example of using DMCRefreshDataRecord / DMCCopyDataRecord but doesn't give any indication as to what boards this is for.

Is there any one method which will work with both boards?


Comments 2

Galil_JasonR on 05/29/2007 - 08:35


The DMC-18x2 and the DMC-18x0 have fundamentally different ways of communicating data record information. The 18x2 only has the ability to send information over the main communication channel with the QR command whereas the 18x0 has a secondary communication channel called the dual port ram. Because of these differences there is no one function that will work for both.

I would suggest having a function in your C++ code that takes a look at the controller revision using the ^R^V command and determining which controller you are using. From there you can decide which method to use. Let me know if you have any questions.

Aparecido Doni… on 12/09/2016 - 13:35

Good evening, my friends, I need the DMC-1832 controller software.
thank you