gclib  2.0.8
Communications API for Galil controllers and PLCs

◆ GWaitForBool()

GReturn GCALL GWaitForBool ( GCon  g,
GCStringIn  predicate,
int  trials 

Blocking call that returns when the controller evaluates the predicate as true.

Polls the message command (MG) to check the value of predicate. Polling will continue until the controller responds with a nonzero value or the number of polling trials is reached.

The amount of time until the function fails with G_GCLIB_POLLING_FAILED is roughly (trials * POLLINGINTERVAL) milliseconds.

gConnection's handle.
predicateA null-terminated string containing the predicate to be polled. The predicate will be enclosed in parentheses and used in the command MG (predicate) to return the value.
trialsThe number of polling cycles to perform looking for a nonzero value. Use -1 to poll indefinitely.
The success status or error code of the function. See gclib_errors.h for possible values.

See GMotionComplete() for an example.

Definition at line 318 of file gclibo.c.